Below is the link to the latest entry on Just for the Trip,
now on its third season.

Just for the Trip : S3

  • Sex and Politics - Sorry guys but I need to put things in perspective when I am within the confines of my blog. I will be talking about political issues on a blog with sex a...
    11 years ago

Monday, July 18, 2011

Extra! Extra!

Been a while. Yes, and many are already curious how I have been or what is new with my trippings. Others even speculated that my relationship is on the rocks. Well, for the information of both my friends and detractors, all’s well with the Tripper. It has to be. It’s just that I am too busy and (not just “or”) too lazy to blog but... not today. Hehehe.

The domestic front has kept me busy. I’ve been trying to stand as the foreman to the construction of our new house and fortunately it is on its finishing touches. I even made my own touches on the design especially on the kitchen (HB’s favourite part of the house) and the family cum entertainment room (my favourite). During my last visit, the construction is already finished.

Work has required my full attention also after someone alerted me that I maybe putting our national safety into jeopardy. (Now you all know how important my job to the whole country. Hehehe.) We are all right now. All has been taken care of and I am focusing on the job well, checking and double checking that everything is outputting right.

Going back to the relationship wherein some people were very intrigued right now because of my silence. Something, specifically someone, new came up. There is a “bottom” involved in the relationship now. Whether he is providing a threat or not, we are ready to face it. I guess, we just have to be consistent with the tenet of this decade-long relationship. If indeed it could destroy us, then that is something we choose and allowed. Even the “bottom” knows where he stands, but if he tried consciously, unconsiously, or subconsciously to destroy the relationship, then there are always consequences. Hehehe.

And about the most awaited update, my “adventures”, it is even more intriguing than the one above. Intriguing because they do not only involve anonymous people but also people you may even know. This is the main reason why my erotic stories come in trickles because these are stories that need not be told. In addition, some encounters were just like the others and telling them just for the heck of it would not provide any new insight worth learning. But don’t you worry, as soon as I could see new relevance to these past encounters, I would immediately post it here. Who knows, maybe it only needs just another sleep.

So, that’s it. I hope this suffice for now as my update to the whole Tripper’s domain. I would like to end this entry with a thought that I realize who and what I really am. I AM NOT ONE OF THE MANY. I AM ONE OF THE FEW.

Welcome back to me!


Dats said...

wow, welcome back to both of us. I just started blogging again after almost two years of resting. :)

Mugen said...

Welcome back Kuya Trip. :D

Trip said...

@Mugen, thanks. at bumalik ka na din. 5 days old na ang last entry mo. hahaha

@Dats, welcome back to u too. ;)

Agent Callboy said...

Welcome back. Cheers!

MkSurf8 said...

Welcome back


